Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Public City Transit Bus

So awhile back Beren got a video called "There Goes a Bus." It is a real-action documentary type show for kids that explains all about how buses operate. To ride one of these buses became Beren's fondest dream. Whenever we would see one he would gaze with longing and sigh deeply and meaningfully from the backseat. So yesterday, we decided to grant his strange little wish. We planned a bus trip into Portland to Powell's Book Store. On the way there Beren explained all the features of the bus to his neophyte parents. Eric has some experience with public transit but I am a complete innocent. Anything Beren couldn't recall from the video he asked our fellow passengers. He was especially delighted with the experience of pulling the cord to let the driver know our stop was coming up and with exiting out of the rear doors on our return journey. After book shopping we all got hot cocoa and cookies at a nearby shop. It was a great day!


  1. That sounds awesome. You have one great kid. I wish we could see him (& you) more often.

  2. Orem does not have a very good public transit system. That's one of the things we miss the most. We used to hop on the MAX every week and head down to the zoo or the children's museum. I miss them bus crazies.


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